Hi! I’m Kathy. I’ve been interested in what is going on in the world and who people are for a very long time. I have lived in Missouri, Arizona, Washington DC, and Virginia in the US. I also lived in Scotland as a university student, in China as an English teacher, and in Malawi as a Peace Corps volunteer. I’ve traveled to all 50 states and more than 20 countries. I’ve worked in food and beverage service, agriculture, environmental education, and community development. I’ve taught English and worked in adult literacy. Throughout my career, moves, travels, and volunteer work, I’ve met people from many different communities and cultures. And I’ve taken lessons from them all. The biggest lesson is that most people are essentially the same – we all want our families and ourselves to be safe, secure, and happy. But we are all different too.
Through this post, I want to share with you the people and communities I have met and will meet in the future. I will do so through writing and photos. I invite you to share this link with others and let me know what you think.